Chinese Spring Rolls Recipe (2024)

Chinese Spring Rolls, the culinary chameleon of the snack world. Don’t be fooled; there’s more to this recipe than meets the eye—or the taste buds.

Though its modern reputation is as a Chinese staple, the origin of spring rolls is a fascinating tapestry woven through different Asian cultures, from China to Vietnam and even to the Philippines.

The degree of difficulty for making these? On a scale from 1 to ‘Iron Chef’, I’d rank it as a moderately daring kitchen venture. Don’t be put off, though; the more you practice, the better you get at rolling these beauties. And even if the first few look a little less than perfect, they’ll still taste absolutely divine.

You might be thinking, “Is there room for improvisation?” Absolutely! While my recipe features chicken and shrimp, you can go full-on vegetarian, opt for pork, or even add some exotic ingredients like water chestnuts for extra crunch.

The filling options are as vast as your imagination and pantry. So, feel free to make these spring rolls your own. Now, onto the sauce. The oyster-soy sauce combo is the secret weapon in this dish.

It gives an umami explosion that perfectly complements the mild sweetness of the shrimp and chicken. Though traditional, it’s not the only path to ‘Sauce Nirvana’. Some opt for sweet chili or even a spicy Szechuan dip. Your spring rolls, your rules.

Let’s talk wrappers, shall we? If you can’t find traditional spring roll wrappers, don’t fret. Rice paper or even phyllo dough can step in to save the day. They offer a slightly different texture but are just as delicious when crisped to golden perfection.

And what about cooking oil? This is not the time for that extra-virgin olive oil you save for special occasions. Choose a neutral oil with a high smoke point; think vegetable or canola oil. These oils are great at getting you that golden crispy shell without any overwhelming flavours.

The finale, of course, is the deep-frying. Now, some may say, “Why not bake?” Sure, you can bake them, but let’s be honest, nothing beats the heart-warming crunch of a deep-fried spring roll. Still, if your heart is set on baking, go ahead, but know that the result will be a slightly different animal.

So, with that being said, roll up your sleeves and ready your kitchen. These Chinese Spring Rolls are not just a recipe; they are a ticket to a culinary journey you won’t want to miss. Let’s dive right in!

What Ingredients to Use & Why

Before we sail on this culinary voyage of making Chinese Spring Rolls, let’s pause for a moment to admire the crew—the ingredients, if you will.

These aren’t just random pantry items; each one plays a pivotal role in achieving that harmonious balance between taste, texture, and aroma. Now, let’s get to know them a bit better, shall we?

Boneless Chicken: Starting with the chicken, it offers a delicate yet savoury depth to your spring rolls. Being a lean meat, it doesn’t overwhelm the palate but rather complements the other ingredients. If you’re not a fan of chicken, feel free to substitute it with pork or tofu for a vegetarian option.

Small Shrimp: Ah, the little oceanic jewels that are small shrimp. They add a subtle sweetness and a distinct seafood profile to the filling. Allergic to shellfish? No worries! Opt for some fish slices, or leave it out entirely for a purely vegetarian version.

Bean Sprouts: Crunch is the name of the game here. Bean sprouts are the unsung heroes that give your spring rolls that delightful textural contrast. They also soak up the flavours like a sponge, making every bite heavenly. If unavailable, julienned cabbage could work in a pinch.

Carrot: The carrot lends a subtle sweetness and vibrant colour, making each roll visually appealing. Carrots are often easy to find but if you’re looking to mix things up, try using sweet potatoes for a softer, sweeter bite.

Bell Pepper: This is your colour artist and crunch contributor all in one. Bell peppers not only brighten the dish but also add a mild peppery essence. Green beans or snap peas could serve as good replacements, should you want a change.

Spring Onions: These green stalks are the finishing touch, adding both colour and a mild oniony zip. In case you’ve run out, chives or even a small amount of white onion could fill in.

Garlic and Ginger: The dynamic duo responsible for laying down the aromatic foundation of the filling. They kick-start the cooking process and give that authentic Asian flavour. Running low on fresh produce? Ginger and garlic powders can suffice, but nothing beats fresh.

Soy Sauce and Oyster Sauce: These sauces are the soul of the filling. The umami-rich depth they offer elevates the entire dish. Tamari can replace soy sauce for a gluten-free option, and hoisin sauce can stand in for oyster sauce if need be.

Sesame Oil: This oil is like the finishing sprinkle of fairy dust—just a dash imparts a nutty aroma and deep flavour complexity. No sesame oil? A slight drizzle of olive oil infused with a pinch of roasted sesame seeds could work.

Cornstarch: This seemingly innocent white powder serves as the thickening agent for your marinade, ensuring all those flavours cling to your meat and veggies. If you’re out, arrowroot powder can come to the rescue.

Spring Roll Wrappers: Last but not least, these sheets hold your culinary masterpiece together. Rice paper or phyllo dough are acceptable alternatives, although they offer different textures when cooked.

So there you have it—the ensemble cast of ingredients that make your Chinese Spring Rolls a star-studded affair. Each member brings its unique flair, contributing to a final product that’s nothing short of spectacular. Now that you know your ingredients, you’re all set to embark on this culinary adventure!

How to Nail the Perfect Spring Roll Wrapper

Let’s face it, the wrapper is the unsung hero in any Chinese Spring Roll recipe. It’s the vessel that holds all those delicious fillings together, offering that iconic crunch and golden-brown exterior. Yet, it’s often overlooked and underestimated. So, let’s give it the attention it truly deserves, shall we?

First off, there are different types of wrappers to choose from, and each will result in a slightly different texture and flavour profile.

Traditional spring roll wrappers made from wheat are commonly used, and they deliver that satisfying crunch we all love. But, if you’re gluten-intolerant, you could opt for rice paper wrappers. These are slightly chewier but still offer a delightful crispness when fried.

Now, onto the techniques. When working with spring roll wrappers, the key is to keep them from drying out.

Use a clean, damp kitchen towel to cover the unused wrappers while you’re busy assembling your spring rolls. If they do dry out, they become prone to cracking, and nobody wants a spring roll that falls apart before it even hits the frying pan.

Temperature plays a pivotal role too. The oil should be hot enough to sizzle but not so hot that it smokes. The wrapper absorbs the oil, and a lower temperature can make it greasy, while too high a temperature may cause it to burn. Aim for a medium-high heat for optimal results.

Finally, the sealing process. A bit of water along the edges of the wrapper usually does the trick, but some even use a mixture of water and cornstarch for an extra-secure seal.

The aim is to prevent any of the filling from escaping during the frying process, keeping your spring roll perfectly intact and gloriously crispy.

The Art of Flavour Balancing in Chinese Spring Rolls

When it comes to Chinese cuisine, it’s all about the yin and yang, especially in a dish as intricate as Chinese Spring Rolls. Balancing flavours is nothing short of an art form, and it’s crucial for achieving that harmonious bite that dances on your palate.

Let’s start with umami, the savoury depth in your spring rolls. The chicken, shrimp, and especially the oyster and soy sauces contribute to this. Umami offers that deeply satisfying, “mouth-full” experience. It’s the bass note in the symphony of flavours that a well-executed Chinese Spring Roll offers.

Contrasting umami are the sweet and peppery notes. Carrots and bell peppers provide a hint of natural sweetness, which cuts through the richness of the meat and sauces. This contrast elevates each bite, making the spring roll more than just a one-note dish.

And what’s that crunch? Ah, that’s the texture talking. Chinese Spring Rolls aren’t just about flavour; they’re about texture too.

Ingredients like bean sprouts, carrots, and bell peppers provide a crunchy counterpoint to the soft and succulent meat. This is the kind of textural complexity that takes a dish from good to extraordinary.

Spices, albeit in small quantities, have a role to play too. The garlic and ginger work in tandem to give the spring roll filling an aromatic spiciness that doesn’t overpower but subtly lingers on the tongue. A perfect spring roll is as much an olfactory delight as it is a culinary one.

So, the next time you’re indulging in a Chinese Spring Roll, take a moment to appreciate the art of flavour balancing that goes into making it. It’s not just food; it’s a culinary composition where every ingredient plays its part to perfection.

Mastering the Art of Spring Roll Fillings

So you’ve taken the plunge and decided to make your very own Chinese Spring Rolls.

Trust me, it’s a gastronomic expedition worth taking. But let’s talk fillings because that’s where the magic truly happens. You see, the perfect filling can elevate your spring roll from “just another appetizer” to the undisputed star of the dinner table.

Proteins like chicken and shrimp serve as the foundation. Chicken’s subtle flavour makes it versatile, blending well with any number of seasonings, while shrimp brings a certain sea-borne opulence to the mix.

The best part? You can interchange proteins based on your palate. If you’re a vegetarian, tofu or tempeh can do wonders as protein alternatives.

Seasonings like soy sauce, oyster sauce, and sesame oil play supporting yet significant roles. They are the Melisandre to your Jon Snow, the Dumbledore to your Harry—guiding but not overwhelming. They add that umami depth and complexity, turning an ordinary filling into something extraordinary.

The crunchy and colourful vegetables—carrots, bean sprouts, bell peppers. Not only do they provide essential nutrients, but they also bring a vibrant colour scheme that makes your spring rolls Instagram-worthy. Their crunch counters the soft texture of proteins, creating a melodious balance in each bite.

Last but not least, let’s not forget about the aromatic warriors—garlic and ginger. They bring their own brand of magic, adding warmth and spice that tickles your senses. They might be small, but they pack a punch and give your filling that authentic Asian flair.

The Crucial Step of Marination in Chinese Spring Rolls

It’s not just about tossing some chicken and shrimp into the pan. Oh no, if you want that “where have you been all my life” feeling with every bite, you need to embrace marination. This is a step often skipped by many, yet it’s where flavours are sealed into your proteins.

Creating the marinade is like mixing a potion; every ingredient contributes to the final magic. Soy sauce offers that salty, umami kick, while oyster sauce adds a touch of sweetness and complexity. Sesame oil infuses the mixture with a nutty aroma that’s unmistakably Asian.

After concocting your marinade, it’s soaking time. A 15-minute soak might seem like a short spell, but it’s enough for the chicken to absorb these flavours. The result? Chicken that’s flavourful through and through, not just on the surface.

While shrimp have a natural sweetness and oceanic flavour, marination helps them blend seamlessly with the other filling components. Imagine it as a short boot camp where shrimp learn to adapt and coexist with other flavours. A team-building exercise, if you will.

Lastly, marination isn’t just about taste; it’s about texture too. Cornstarch in the marinade ensures that your chicken stays juicy and tender during cooking. Imagine biting into a spring roll to find dry, rubbery chicken. A nightmare, isn’t it? Well, cornstarch is your safeguard against that calamity.

The Perfect Fry for Chinese Spring Rolls

We’ve arrived at that pivotal moment—the fry. After meticulously assembling your Chinese Spring Rolls, the fry is the final frontier, a golden gateway to crunchy, savoury bliss. No pressure, right? But worry not, because the perfect fry is within your reach.

First off, let’s talk oil. Generic cooking oil does the trick, but if you’re feeling adventurous, peanut oil adds a rich aroma.

Make sure your oil is sizzling but not smoking; a medium heat does the trick. The oil’s temperature is crucial. Too hot, and your spring rolls could resemble Pompeii. Too low, and they’ll soak up the oil like a sponge, becoming greasy lumps.

Now, the entry—seam side down, please. The seam is the Achilles heel of any spring roll, and placing it against the hot oil first helps it seal quickly. This tiny hack ensures that your filling stays within its golden casing, rather than making a break for freedom in the hot oil.

As your spring rolls bathe in the bubbling oil, turn them occasionally for an even tan. You’re not just frying; you’re sculpting golden statues. Once they reach that perfect hue of golden-brown, it’s exit time. Place them on a paper towel-lined plate, which acts like a VIP lounge absorbing any extra oil.

But what if you’re health-conscious and dread the idea of deep-frying? Fear not, for an air fryer is your ally. While not traditional, air frying gives you that crunch without the guilt.

Just brush the rolls with a tad bit of oil and set them in the air fryer. However, be ready for a texture that’s more crispy than crunchy, like the difference between biting into a fresh apple versus a ripe pear.

Secret Sauces: The Unseen Heroes of Chinese Spring Rolls

After conquering the art of making Chinese Spring Rolls, you might think you’ve peaked. But hold your horses; we’re not done yet. The secret sauce—quite literally—can elevate your spring roll experience to celestial heights. These dips are the unsung heroes that complete the spring roll saga.

Soy sauce with a sprinkle of freshly chopped chili offers a simple yet effective dip. It gives that extra salty kick with a fiery finish, making each bite an adventure.

If you’re in the mood for something sweet and spicy, a blend of hoisin sauce and Sriracha is your go-to. The hoisin offers a molasses-like sweetness, while Sriracha adds that thrilling heat. It’s a rollercoaster of flavours, thrilling yet comforting.

Don’t overlook the classic sweet and sour sauce. With its balance of tangy and sweet, it offers a refreshing contrast to the savoury filling within the spring roll. Think of it as the yin to the spring roll’s yang.

Fancy something zesty? Try a lemon-coriander dip. A blend of lemon juice, finely chopped coriander, and a dash of salt creates a light, refreshing dip that cuts through the richness of the spring roll.

Of course, you can be a daredevil and craft your unique dip, a secret sauce that screams “you.” Experiment with spices, herbs, and liquids from different cuisines. After all, who says you can’t dip a Chinese Spring Roll into a creamy tzatziki or a spicy Mexican salsa?

Rolling Techniques for the Perfect Chinese Spring Roll

We’ve all been there. You’ve cooked the perfect filling, your oil is at the right temperature, but somehow, the rolling part flops.

The fillings spill out, the wrapper tears, or worse—it unfolds in the hot oil, leading to a culinary disaster. But fear not, my aspiring spring roll chefs; perfecting your rolling technique is easier than you think.

The first tip is all about the wrapper placement. Place the wrapper in a diamond shape in front of you; this makes it easier to fold and gives you more control. Remember, the wrapper is not just an encasing; it’s the canvas of your edible art.

Next up, the filling. Less is more. Overstuffing leads to tearing, and we don’t want that. Spoon a portion of the filling onto the wrapper, slightly below the centre. This allows room for the folding and rolling that’s about to come.

Now, the folding process is where the magic happens. Fold the bottom corner of the wrapper over the filling, and then fold in the two sides. Think of it as swaddling a baby; tuck them in snugly, but not too tight. The goal is a secure yet breathable roll.

Once you’ve done that, it’s time for the final roll upwards. Here, a touch of water at the top corner acts as a glue to seal your masterpiece. Some people use egg wash, but water does the trick just fine. And voila, your roll is ready for frying!

Remember, practice makes perfect. So, don’t fret if your first few rolls aren’t as glamorous as you’d hoped. Even culinary legends had to start somewhere.

The Vegan Take on Chinese Spring Rolls

The modern era, where plant-based diets are more than a trend; they’re a lifestyle. But does this mean you have to say goodbye to the joy of biting into a crispy, savoury Chinese Spring Roll? Absolutely not! It’s time for a vegan makeover.

Start with protein substitutes. Tofu and tempeh are excellent options that not only mimic the texture of chicken and shrimp but also absorb flavours well. Marinate them just like you would with animal proteins. You can even spice it up a notch with some smoked paprika for that charred illusion.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: oyster sauce. A vegan-friendly alternative would be mushroom soy sauce. It offers a similar umami kick but without the oyster essence. And honestly, you won’t even notice the difference.

Moving on to the wrapper. Most spring roll wrappers are vegan-friendly, but it’s always good to check the ingredients. Look for wrappers made with wheat flour, water, and salt. Avoid anything that lists “egg” as an ingredient.

Your plant-based filling options are abundant. From colourful bell peppers to nutrient-packed spinach or even some exotic shiitake mushrooms, the choices are endless. Just remember to keep the cooking time in mind as some veggies take longer to soften.

And there you have it—a delicious, guilt-free, and utterly satisfying vegan Chinese Spring Roll. Trust me, it’s so good, even the meat-lovers will ask for seconds.

Unlocking the Flavours of Chinese Spring Rolls with Marinades and Sauces

I’ve often heard that sauces and marinades are like the “bling” of the culinary world. They take your dish from drab to fab with just a few splashes and dashes. For Chinese Spring Rolls, the marinade isn’t just a pre-step; it’s a non-negotiable ceremony that instils character into your protein.

You see, whether you’re using chicken, shrimp, or tofu, a good marinade doesn’t just flavour the surface.

It seeps deep, hugging every fibre and making sure the taste explodes in your mouth with every bite. Soy sauce is the primary conductor in this flavour symphony. It’s salty but has the depth, almost like the base note in a perfume.

Then there’s oyster sauce, adding a hint of sweetness and a whole lot of umami.

The essence of oyster elevates the marinade and by extension, your spring rolls, into a fine-dining experience. But if you’re vegan, don’t fret. You can swap it out with a mushroom-based alternative and still get that umami thrill.

What about sesame oil, you ask? Ah, this is your top note, the aroma that hits you as soon as you take a bite. Sesame oil brings a nutty warmth that’s pretty much the cuddle your spring roll filling needs.

Last but not least, a touch of cornstarch gives your marinade some body, helping it to adhere to the protein better. It’s like the setting spray in makeup; it ensures that all the flavour components stay put. And there you have it—a marinade that could almost steal the spotlight from the spring roll itself!

Pairing Chinese Spring Rolls with Beverages: A Match Made in Heaven

Some might say that Chinese Spring Rolls are a complete experience in themselves, and while I won’t argue with that, there’s something magical about pairing them with the right beverage. Just like wine with cheese, the right drink can elevate your spring roll experience to gastronomic nirvana.

Let’s talk tea first. Green tea, with its understated bitterness, can balance out the savoury richness of the spring rolls. It cleanses the palate, preparing it for the next scrumptious bite.

On the flip side, if you’re a co*cktail lover, how about a Mojito? The minty freshness accentuates the veggie crunch inside the roll, while the sweetness of the rum harmonizes with the filling’s umami notes.

Perhaps you’re a beer enthusiast. In that case, a light lager could be your best bet. It’s like a refreshing dip in the pool for your tastebuds, especially after savouring the complex flavours in a spring roll.

If you’re going non-alcoholic, then sparkling water with a splash of lemon or cucumber can be incredibly refreshing. It’s like a mini detox in between bites, so you can indulge guilt-free.

And for the adventurous souls out there, why not a spicy ginger beer? The effervescence cuts through the richness, and the spiciness dances beautifully with the soy and oyster sauces. You’ll be left wondering how you ever ate spring rolls without it.

Check Out These Other Recipes

If you adored making and munching on these Chinese Spring Rolls as much as I did, you’re in for a treat. Let me take you on a culinary tour, filled with exciting stops and aromatic twists and turns. And yes, I’ve even thrown in a surprise dish that transcends cuisine borders, just to keep you on your taste bud toes.

Imagine, for a moment, having Vegetable Fried Rice as your side dish. The same wok, aromatic garlic, and a smattering of vegetables to accompany your spring rolls. It’s like turning your dinner table into a mini Chinese buffet.

And speaking of buffets, who can resist Chicken Manchurian? Imagine juicy chicken chunks glazed in a mouth-watering, tangy sauce. It’s the yin to the spring roll’s yang, and together they’ll fill your home with the alluring scents of authentic Chinese cuisine.

Ah, but what’s this I hear? You’ve got a penchant for seafood? Then you won’t want to skip out on Coconut Prawn Curry. While it might take you out of China and transport you to the tropical coasts of Southeast Asia, the blend of flavours complement the freshness of your spring rolls in an unimaginable way.

Now, let me throw you a curveball. Butter Chicken. I know, I know—it’s not Chinese, but hear me out.

Imagine tender chicken swimming in a creamy, buttery, tomato-based sauce, a rich North Indian delicacy that somehow pairs so beautifully with the lightness of Chinese Spring Rolls. It’s like connecting two different culinary worlds with a single, delicious thread.

And just when you thought you’d explored all there is, behold Chicken 65, a South Indian dish that’s an explosion of flavours. It’s deep-fried, it’s spicy, it’s tangy, and it’s the ’65th wonder’ you didn’t know you needed in your life. The crispy texture of Chicken 65 offers a fantastic contrast to the soft, filled interiors of your spring rolls.

Trust me, with these recipes by your side, you’re not just making a meal; you’re creating a mosaic of flavours, a symphony of tastes. So why not try one, or hey, try them all?

And once you’ve embarked on this delectable journey, don’t forget to share your experiences in the comments. Your feedback is the secret spice in my culinary journey!

Chinese Spring Rolls Recipe (1)

Chinese Spring Rolls

by Nabeela Kauser

Indulge in the aromatic and scrumptious journey that is Chinese Spring Rolls! An irresistible blend of flavours encased in a crispy wrapper, this delicacy is more than just a snack; it's a celebration of culinary craftsmanship.

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Prep Time 30 minutes mins

Cook Time 15 minutes mins

Total Time 45 minutes mins

Course Appetiser

Cuisine Chinese

Servings 12 Rolls

Calories 96 kcal


  • 200 g Chicken Thinly sliced
  • 100 g Shrimp Peeled and deveined
  • 150 g Bean Sprouts
  • 1 Carrot Julienned
  • 1 Bell Pepper Thinly sliced
  • 2 Spring Onions Finely chopped
  • 2 cloves Garlic Minced
  • 1 tsp Ginger Grated
  • 2 tbsp Soy Sauce
  • 1 tbsp Oyster Sauce
  • 1 tsp Sesame Oil
  • 1 tsp Cornflour
  • 12 Spring Roll Wrappers
  • Oil For frying
  • Salt To taste
  • Black Pepper To taste


  • In a bowl, mix the soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, and cornstarch to create the marinade.

  • Add the chicken slices to the marinade, ensuring they are well coated. Marinate for about 15 minutes.

  • In a pan, heat a small amount of oil over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and grated ginger, and sauté until fragrant.

  • Add the marinated chicken to the pan and cook until it’s no longer pink. Remove from the pan and set aside.

  • Using the same pan, cook the shrimp until they turn pink. Remove from the pan and chop into smaller pieces.

  • In the same pan, stir-fry the carrot, bell pepper, and bean sprouts for a few minutes until they start to soften. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix in the cooked chicken and shrimp. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool down.

  • To assemble the spring rolls, take a spring roll wrapper and place it in a diamond shape in front of you.

  • Spoon a portion of the filling onto the wrapper, slightly below the centre.

  • Fold the bottom corner of the wrapper over the filling. Then, fold in the two sides of the wrapper.

  • Roll the wrapper upwards, tightly enclosing the filling. Dab a bit of water on the top corner to seal the roll.

  • Repeat the process for all the spring rolls.

  • In a pan, heat enough oil for deep frying over medium heat. Carefully place the spring rolls into the hot oil, seam side down.

  • Fry the spring rolls until they’re golden brown and crispy. Place them on a paper towel-lined plate to drain excess oil.

  • Serve the Chinese spring rolls hot with your favourite dipping sauce.


These Chinese spring rolls are best enjoyed fresh and hot.

You can use a variety of dipping sauces like sweet chili sauce, hoisin sauce, or soy sauce with chopped chili and garlic for some heat.

Feel free to customize the filling with other vegetables or protein of your choice.

If you prefer a vegetarian version, omit the chicken and shrimp and use tofu or more veggies as the filling.

Nutritional facts:

The provision of nutritional information is done so merely as a courtesy and should not be taken as a guarantee.


Calories: 96kcalCarbohydrates: 14gProtein: 6gFat: 2gSaturated Fat: 0.5gTrans Fat: 0.01gCholesterol: 21mgSodium: 338mgPotassium: 124mgFibre: 1gSugar: 1gVitamin A: 1196IUVitamin C: 15mgVitamin D: 0.02µgCalcium: 23mgIron: 1mg

Keyword Chicken, Food, Fried, Meat, Ramadan, Recipe, Spring Rolls

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Chinese Spring Rolls Recipe (2024)
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