Pickens County Arrest, Court, and Public Records | StateRecords.org (2025)

What are Pickens County Public Records?

According to the Georgia Open Records Act, all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, computer-based or generated information, data, data fields, or similar material prepared and maintained for or on behalf of an agency, or when such documents have been transferred to a private person or entity by an agency for storage or future governmental use, are considered public records. Therefore the public has access to all public records for personal inspection and copying, except those records are protected or restricted by the law to be disclosed to be public.

Requesters can obtain public records from the respective record custodians; the agencies must attend to all record requests within three business days of receipt. If, after three days, the record has not been provided. In that case, the agency is expected to write the requester with a description of such record and a timeline of when the record will be available for inspection or copying or if the record has been expunged restricted from public view. Requesters can request for public orally or in writing. If by written request, the requester is to obtain a request form and pay the copying charge of $.10 per pageand administrative expenditures for search, retrieval, and other direct administrative costs, not to exceed the salary of the lowest-paid full-time employee who, in the discretion of the records custodian, who has the appropriate expertise and training to fulfill the request.

Not all requests for public records can be attended to or made available for public inspection or copying by the record custodian, as the records are restricted by the law § 50-18-72. The following are some examples of exempted or non-disclosed records:

  1. Information that is required to be kept confidential by federal law or regulation.
  2. Medical or veterinary records, as well as other files whose disclosure would constitute a breach of personal privacy.
  3. Records compiled for law enforcement or prosecution purposes to the extent that disclosure of such records is reasonably likely to reveal the identity of a confidential source, reveal confidential investigative or prosecution material that would jeopardize the life or physical safety of any person or persons, or reveal the existence of confidential surveillance or investigation
  4. The Council of Superior Court Clerks of Georgia collects and uses jury list data, which includes names, dates of birth, addresses, ages, race, gender, telephone numbers, social security numbers, and, when available, ethnicity, as well as other confidential identifying information.
  5. Records containing confidential evaluations or examinations submitted to or conducted by a governmental agency in relation to the appointment or employment of a public officer or employee
  6. Pending, rejected, or deferred sealed bids or sealed proposals and detailed cost estimates related to that until the final award of the contract is made, the project is terminated or abandoned
  7. Records containing data from the Department of Natural Resources' inventory and register about the location and character of a historic property or properties, as defined in Code Sections 12-3-50.1 and 12-3-50.
  8. Records of farm water use by individual farms as determined by water-measuring devices installed according to Code Section 12-5-31 or 12-5-105
  9. Records containing site-specific information about the occurrence of rare plant or animal species or the location of sensitive natural habitats on public or private land.
  10. All records that reveal an individual's social security number, mother's maiden name, credit card, debit card, bank account, account number, utility account number, password used to access their account, financial data, or information, insurance, or medical information.
  11. Records of the Department of Early Care and Learning that contain the: day and month of each child's birth, names, addresses, telephone numbers, or email addresses of children and parents, immediate family members, and emergency contact persons
  12. Records the disclosure that would compromise security against sabotage or criminal or terrorist acts.
  13. Records kept by the State Road and Tollway Authority that could reveal the financial accounts or travel history of any motorist using a toll road.
  14. Building mapping information produced and maintained according to Article 10 of Chapter 3 of Title 38
  15. Records that are expressly exempt from public inspection under Code Sections 47-1- 14 and 47-7-127;

In addition to government agencies, county public records may also be obtained from third-party websites. These non-government platforms come with intuitive tools that allow for expansive searches. Record seekers may opt to use these tools to search for a specific record or multiple records. Users can search third-party websites remotely for multiple records at a time with just the name of the record subject and their last known location, including the city, county, or state. Government agencies do not sponsor third-party sites. Because of this, record availability and results may vary.

Pickens County Crime Statistics

Georgia's Uniform Crime Reporting (U.C.R.) program reports crime data on the number of serious criminal offenses, number of arrests reported or investigated by local law enforcement agencies (Pickens county sheriff inclusive) and makes it available for the public to obtain Georgia's Uniform Crime Reporting (U.C.R.) program is derived from the Federal Bureau of Investigation's national program.

According to Georgia's Uniform Crime Reporting (U.C.R.) program 2019, Pickens County reported a total of 414 crimes committed, including 9 rape cases, 39 aggravated assault, 81 burglary thefts, 246 larceny-thefts, 37 motor vehicle thefts, 2 arson offenses committed.

How to Obtain Pickens County Civil Court Case Records?

The Pickens court Superior Court creates and maintains civil court case records and makes the records available to the public to view or copy. Requesters can obtain civil court case records from the Pickens superior court clerk. Requesters are to submit a written request form to the superior county clerk's office with the final cost charged when the search for the record has been completed, and requesters can visit the superior county clerk at:

Clerk of Superior Court Jennifer Jordan
52 North Main Street
P.O. Box 130
Jasper, GA 30143
Phone: (706) 253-8763

Are Pickens County Criminal Records Public?

According to the Georgia Open Records Act, Pickens county, criminal records are public records. The public has the right to view, inspect, and request criminal records from the Pickens County sheriff's office, the record custodian. Requesters can obtain criminal records online or from the front lobby of the Pickens county sheriff's office during business operating hours, are expected to present a photo I.D. for verification and a payment fee of $15 cash, only exact change to obtain the record. Requesters should note that not all criminal records can be viewed, the act protects exempt records due to their sensitive nature, or the record may affect an ongoing investigation.

Public criminal records in Georgia hold the following information on arrested individuals, and convicted criminals:

  • Full name and any (known) aliases
  • Birthdate, ethnicity, height, and weight
  • Identifying features, race, and ethnicity
  • Identification documents such as mugshots and fingerprints
  • Previous and current indictments
  • Arrest records and outstanding arrest warrants
  • Conviction information and inmate information

Pickens County sheriff's office
2985 Camp Road,
Jasper, GA 30143

How to Obtain Pickens County Police Reports and Arrest Records?

Requesters can obtain Pickens County Police Reports and Arrest Records from the Pickens county Georgia sheriff's office - records division. Following Georgia's Open Records Act, requesters must receive an open records form and make their request known in writing with the required information such as case number, date of the incident, and names involved.

According to O.C.G.A. § 50-18-71, requesters are charged for administrative, supply, and copying fees for the cost to search, retrieve, copy and supervise access to the requested documents. Requesters are not charged for the first fifteen (15) minutes, but must then pay the hourly wage of the lowest-paid full-time employee who has received the necessary training to handle the request.

The GA Law O.C.G.A. 35-3-37 restricts requesters from obtaining certain arrest records for non-criminal justice purposes that the prosecuting attorney has approved. For arrests AFTER July 1, 2013, or later, no application process is required for the prosecutor to approve the arrest restriction, while for arrests before July 1, 2013; the application process is needed with a photo I.D. for verification and a payment fee of $15, cash only for the prosecutor to approve the arrest restriction. Requesters may visit the sheriff office to obtain and submit the request form in the Front Lobby or via email to:

Pickens County Sheriff's Office
2985 Camp Road,
Jasper, GA 30143

How to Find Sex Offender Information in Pickens County?

Record seekers can find Pickens county sex offender information from the Pickens county Georgia sheriff's office. The agency maintains and updates the registry of sex offenders. Pickens county sheriff maintains an online registry (Icrimewatch) where records seekers can find and obtain sex offenders' information. The website displays a list of all published offenders registered and updated with the agency daily. Residents can search for sex offenders in the following categories:

  • In your area search: Residents can search for offenders by entering offender's address, city, state, zip & zip plus, offender address type (home or work address), the search results show offenders within a specified radius of the requester address.
  • Name search: Requesters can search by entering the offender's first and last name.
  • City search
  • Non-compliant search
  • Internet Names/Email search
  • Phone number search

Residents of Pickens County can also get information on sex offenders who just moved into the area or living close by registering with their address, city, state (G.A.), zip code, and email address. Residents who have successfully registered will receive email alerts (notifications@icrimewatch.net ) directly from the Pickens county sheriff.

Alternatively, the public can also get sex offender information from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation Sex Offender Registry (the central repository for Georgia's Violent Sexual Offender ); requesters can search by entering the offense type, offense, first/last name, county, gender, race, incarcerated, street, city, zip code and radius which displays the offender's photo and other needed information requested for. Requesters can also download GBI sex offender registry data to view all sex offenders in the area.

Pickens County Sheriff's Office
2985 Camp Road,
Jasper, GA 30143

Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI)
3121 Panthersville Road
Decatur, GA 30034
Phone: (404) 244-2600

How to Find Pickens County Inmate Records?

The public can find Pickens county inmate records online from the Pickens county Georgia sheriff's office – detention division. The public can find Pickens county inmate information by entering inmates' first and last names on the search page. The search page displays inmates' first, middle, and last name, book date, offense date, arrest date, arresting agency, bond type and amount, inmate eye and hair color, inmate height, weight, address, race, sex, badge, and release date.

Persons seeking information on currently incarcerated inmates may visit the Pickens County Georgia sheriff's office or call using the following contact details:

Pickens County Sheriff's Office
2985 Camp Road,
Jasper, GA 30143
Phone: (706) 253-8900

Pickens County Court Records

Pickens County Court records refer to official recordings of legal proceedings within Pickens County. The courts make the records available to the public. According to the Georgia Open Records Act, most Pickens County court records are public. Interested persons can obtain Pickens County Court Records from the Pickens county superior court clerk who maintains and disseminates courts records to the public. Requesters can also acquire in-person access to public court documents in print form at the courthouse. The Courts of Pickens County, Georgia is at the following address:

Clerk of Superior Court Jennifer Jordan
52 North Main Street,
P.O. Box 130
Jasper, GA 30143
Phone: (706) 253-8763

Are Pickens County Court Records Public?

Pickens county court records are public records. In line with the Georgia Open Records Act, the public can copy and inspect court records. Although not all court records can be requested as certain records are restricted because of the sensitivity of the information included in the records, records like juvenile proceedings are regarded as private and are kept hidden from public view.

How to Obtain Pickens County Criminal Court Records?

Record seekers can obtain Pickens County Criminal Court Case Records from the superior county court clerk's office, the record custodian. Requesters are to obtain the court record request form from the court clerk, fill in the detailed description of the information requested and pay the charged fee, which includes: a copying charge of $.10 per page, administrative charges for search, retrieval, and other direct administrative costs, the first fifteen (15) minutes is charged at no cost for searching and retrieval of the record. The requester is to submit the request form to:

Clerk of Superior Court Jennifer Jordan
52 North Main Street,
P.O. Box 130
Jasper, GA 30143
Phone: (706) 253-8763

What are Pickens County Vital Records?

Vital records in Pickens County contain information about a life event. Vital records include Birth, marriage, divorce, and death records. A requester can obtain Pickens County vital records from the Georgia Department of Public Health and from Pickens County Probate Court where the event occurred. However, certified copies are only available to authorized parties such as the legal guardians, immediate family members, the named registrant, or any party with written authorization. Requesters may be required to provide proof of eligibility in the form of a government-issued I.D.

Where and How to Get Pickens County Divorce Records?

In Pickens County, copies of the certifieddivorce records can only be obtained from the Pickens County Court in the county where the divorce occurred. The Georgia Department of Public Health can only provide a repository record of the divorce records. A divorce certificate can be obtained by submitting a request to the Georgia Department of Public Health in person or by mail. Requesters must send a completed Application of Divorce Records to the following address:

The Georgia Department of Public Health
Georgia Office of Vital Records
1680 Phoenix Boulevard, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30349

Pickens Probate County Courthouse
50 North Main Street
Jasper, GA 30143

The cost of obtaining a certificate of the divorce record is $10. Additional copy orders at the same time cost $5. In-person requesting parties can pay with a check, money order, credit, debit, or even cash. The Georgia Department of Public Health receives payment in a money order or check order by mail.

Where and How to Get Pickens County Marriage Records?

Marriage records in Pickens County can be obtained from the Pickens County Probate Court of the county that handles the records where the event occurred. The Marriage Records can also be obtained from the Georgia Department of Public Health between 1952 - August 1996. Interested parties must complete an Application of Marriage Record and mail it to the following address, alongside with a valid photo ID, to obtain a marriage record by mail.

The Georgia Department of Public Health
Georgia Office of Vital Records
1680 Phoenix Boulevard, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30349

Pickens Probate County Courthouse
50 North Main Street
Jasper, GA 30143

The cost of obtaining a certificate of the marriage record is $10.Additional copy orders at the same time cost $5. The G.D.P.H. receives payment in a money order or checks order by mail. In-person requesting parties can pay with a check, money order, credit, debit, or even cash.

Where and How to Get Pickens County Birth Records?

In Pickens County, birth records are maintained by the Georgia Department of Public Health from January 1919 to the present. The Pickens County Probate Court also handles and maintains the records in the county where the event occurred. Not all birth records are open to the public, and only qualified persons can access these records, which are; the individuals named on the birth record, the immediate family members, the guardians, or the legal representative. To obtain birth records, an interested person can get birth records by mail by submitting an Application of Birth Record Forms to the Georgia Department of Public Health. Also, the requester can obtain copies of birth records in-person by visiting the office of the state's Department of Public Health or the County Clerk Office at:

The Georgia Department of Public Health
Georgia Office of Vital Records
1680 Phoenix Boulevard, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30349

Pickens Probate County Courthouse
50 North Main Street
Jasper, GA 30143

The cost of obtaining a birth record is $25. Additional copy orders at the same time cost $5. The requester can also get birth records online through a platform called ROVER. Requesters will pay $25 for the search, $8 for the processing fee, and then $5 for each additional copy of the requested certificates when ordering online through ROVER. Individuals who want their orders processed and shipped faster will have to pay an extra $10 per order. The acceptable forms of payment include Money orders, Debit/Credit Cards, cash (for in-person requests), and Certified checks. Requesters must enclose payment evidence in their mail applications.

Where and How to Get Pickens County Death Records?

In Pickens County, birth records are maintained by the Georgia Department of Public Health. The Pickens County Probate Court also handles and maintains the records in the county where the event occurred. Pickens County death records are available to the general public after 100 years. However, not all death records are open to the public, and only qualified persons can access these records, which are:

  • A decedent's child or parent.
  • The legal living spouse of the decedent or any other relative.
  • The executor or administrator of the decedent's estate.
  • Any other person who can demonstrate a direct and tangible connection to the deceased.
  • Anyone who needs a certified copy of the death certificate to establish a legal claim or right.
  • Officials from federal, state, or county government agencies require it for official purposes.

To obtain death records, an interested person can get death records by mail by submitting an Application for Certified Death Record Forms along with valid photo identification to the Georgia Department of Public Health. Also, the requester can obtain copies of birth records in-person by visiting the office of the state's Department of Public Health or the County Clerk Office at:

The Georgia Department of Public Health
Georgia Office of Vital Records
1680 Phoenix Boulevard, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30349

Pickens Probate County Courthouse
50 North Main Street
Jasper, GA 30143

The cost of obtaining a death record is $25. Additional copy orders at the same time cost $5. The requester can also get death records online through a platform called ROVER. Requesters will pay $25 for the search, $8 for the processing fee, and then $5 for each additional copy of the requested certificates when ordering online through ROVER. Individuals who want the orders processed and shipped faster will have to pay an extra $10 per order. The acceptable forms of payment include Money orders, Debit/Credit Cards, cash (for in-person requests), and Certified checks. Requesters must enclose payment evidence in their mail applications.

In addition to government agencies, county public records may also be obtained from third-party websites. These non-government platforms come with intuitive tools that allow for expansive searches. Record seekers may either opt to use these tools to search for a specific record or multiple records. Users are able to search third-party websites remotely for multiple records at a time with just the name of the record subject and their last known location, including the city, county, or state. Third-party sites are not sponsored by government agencies. Because of this, record availability and results may vary.

Pickens County Arrest, Court, and Public Records | StateRecords.org (2025)


How do I look up arrest records for South Carolina? ›

State Resource for Finding Arrest Records

Individuals can request arrest records from SLED, which provides comprehensive criminal history reports for South Carolina. Unlike local law enforcement records, SLED reports include both arrest and conviction information.

What judicial circuit is Pickens county, SC? ›

The Thirteenth Judicial Circuit includes Greenville and Pickens counties.

What is the phone number for Pickens Municipal court? ›

For further information call (864) 898-5682. Open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. except for official holidays and during declared disasters/emergency situations.

How do I find out if I have a warrant in Greenville County SC? ›

You can call the Greenville County Records Division at 864-467-5278 or check the Public Index Online. 2. Do I have an active warrant?

Can I look up local arrests? ›

Yes. Members of the public can access information about recent arrests ("arrest logs") from a local law enforcement agency's website for free. However, anyone requesting a copy of an arrest record or report from such agencies must pay the associated fee, which differs by agency.

Are arrest warrants public record in South Carolina? ›

Access to warrants in South Carolina is generally available to the public as they are considered public records.

What is a Solicitor in SC? ›

n South Carolina, the Solicitor is the chief prosecuting attorney within a judicial circuit. South Carolina has sixteen judicial circuits which are comprised of two or more counties within the State.

What is the 9th Judicial Circuit in South Carolina? ›

Together, Charleston and Berkeley Counties form the Ninth Judicial Circuit of the state's sixteen circuits. Forty-nine Circuit judges, ten retired-active and one Chief Justice retired-active rotate among the sixteen circuits.

How much is a marriage license in Pickens County, SC? ›

Marriage License Requirements:

Both applicants must present ORIGINAL Social Security Cards showing his or her name and social security number. This name must match the applicant's identification. $40.00 CASH or money order (Checks are not accepted)

What county is Easley, SC in? ›

Easley is a city in Pickens County (with parts extending into Anderson County) in the U.S. state of South Carolina. Most of the city lies in Pickens County, with a small portion of the city in Anderson County.

How do I contact Pickens County Herald? ›

If you feel that we are not abiding by this privacy policy, you should contact us immediately via telephone at 205.367. 2217. Mailing address: Pickens County Herald, Inc.

What does the municipal court do in Georgia? ›

The Georgia Municipal Courts serve incorporated municipalities and try ordinance violations, issue criminal warrants, conduct preliminary hearings, and hear misdemeanor shoplifting and possession of marijuana cases. There are 368 such courts in the state.

How do I find out if I have a bench warrant in SC? ›

You could call the sheriff's office or the solicitor's office and ask them if there is a bench warrant, but they probably will not tell you because they do not want you to hide from the deputies. Your attorney may be able to find out on your behalf, however, and then file a motion to have the bench warrant lifted.

What county is Greer, SC in? ›

Greer is a city in the Greenville and Spartanburg counties in the U.S. state of South Carolina.

Is South Carolina an open records state? ›

South Carolina's FOIA starts with the presumption that all public body records and meetings are open and available to the public. A record cannot be withheld and a meeting cannot be closed unless a specific exemption or some other state law applies.

How to get a criminal record in South Carolina? ›


Requests for a certified Criminal Record Check can only be processed by mail. A non-refundable fee of $25.00 will be charged for a South Carolina criminal record check per name. Accepted payments for mail-in requests are: business check, certified check, cashier's check or money order.

How do I find someone's arrest record in NC? ›

Information about criminal cases in the North Carolina court system can be accessed by visiting a public, self-service terminal located at a clerk of court's office in any county. You can use the terminal to search for cases by defendant name, case number, or victim or witness name.

What is a citizens arrest in South Carolina? ›

Circumstances when any person may arrest a felon or thief. Upon (a) view of a felony committed, (b) certain information that a felony has been committed or (c) view of a larceny committed, any person may arrest the felon or thief and take him to a judge or magistrate, to be dealt with according to law.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.