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Hi all! What are everyone’s progesterone levels during leutal phase or during implantation windows?
At what level is it considered low and supplements are offered?
We’re going into our second FET in a bit… first one ended in MC at 5w6d. We’re pursing IVF due to male factors so didn’t even test my fertility/cycles etc. After my MC I’ve been interested in understanding my cycle and what all of our options are… so I’ve been tracking my hormones etc without the meds, and am waiting on an AMH result.
I just got my natural cycle progesterone level at 5dpo and it’s 13.6 - I know for IVF my dr likes it in the 20’s with meds but curious what non IVF convention is. Also just curious if I’m a candidate for augmented natural FET in the future.
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it has to be above 10 to be successful. but doctors like it above 20 for the extra 'cushion' since it fluctuates. they will sometimes give meds to get the numbers higher. but as long as it stays above at least 10, it's enough to hold the pregnancy.
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