Latest update
Please see the Basic Safety Standards, effective September 2, 2022, for the current guidelines for local in-person activities.
- Basic Safety Standards
- Vaccination Policy
- In person visitors to UC ANR and UCCE offices
- Overnight Events Updated June 7, 2023
- Out of State Travel
Please check this page often for updates to COVID safety protocols for in-person 4-H activities.
We recognize that the current situation is continually evolving. We are monitoring illness metric, public health guidance, and UC policies regularly so we can revise guidelines as necessary for the conditions. We encourage you to keep safety as your top priority and implement preventative measures.
For Event Planners
Planning resources for in-person activities
Get checklists and forms required when hosting an in-person meeting or event.
Virtual Toolbox: Planning resources for virtual activities
Plan hybrid events and activities to engage more participants. A virtual option is also good for participants who cannot attend in-person because of a Covid infection or travel limitations.
Basic Safety Standards for Meeting In-person
Effective June 7, 2023
These safety standards must be followed for all in-person 4-H activities.
These protocols apply to all 4-H events that 4-H has responsibility, management, and control of.
Host locations may have additional requirements.
Click to download Basic Safety Standards infographic
Basic Safety Standards
Symptom Monitoring
Employees, volunteers and program participants must monitor themselves for symptoms of COVID-19.
Symptoms include:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat, Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
Stay home when:
- Symptoms are present
- You are diagnosed with COVID-19
- If public health guidance advises you to quarantine
Masks are generally not required, but are encouraged in areas with high rates of transmission in the community.
Masks are required when:
- a person is recovering from COVID-19
- a person has been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19
- a local public health order requires them
- if the facility requires it
Mask Exceptions and Exemptions
When masks are required for 4-H activities, 4-H members, volunteers and professionals who have an illness or condition that limits their ability to wear a face mask may request an accommodation or alternate masking options (i.e., face shield with drape). They can also request to participate remotely.
- 4-H Members and Volunteers: Please contact your local County 4-H professional.
- Maintain a record of attendance at meetings, in case it is necessary for contact tracing.
- If you or someone you live with tests positive for COVID-19 with 48 hours of attending a meeting or event, let the leader/coordinator know as soon as possible (within 48 hours).
- The leader/coordinator will contact UC ANR Risk & Safety to review the details and assess possible exposures.
- UC ANR will make its best efforts to communicate relevant information based on public health guidance.
Hygiene and Cleaning
- Encourage everyone to wash hands frequently with soap and water and/or use hand sanitizer.
- When planning a meeting, make sure you have access to hand washing facilities, a supply of hand sanitizer, masks, cleaning materials, etc.
- Frequently clean high-touch surfaces, equipment, and shared materials.
- Hold activities outdoors as much as possible.
- Open windows and doors. Place fans with airflow going out the window.
- Use air purifying filters, if available.
Food Service
- Food service is no longer limited to single use items or packaged meals.
- When meals are prepared and served, at least one 4-H volunteer or 4-H professional serving food at the event must complete the ServSafe training. This does not apply to snacks or pre-packaged food items served at 4-H meetings or activities.
- The ServSafe certified 4-H volunteer or 4-H professional can train additional food servers using the Clover Safe Note: Food Safety at 4-H Meetings
COVID Testing
Proof of a negative COVID test is not a requirement to participate in a 4-H activity.
Protocols for confirming proof of a negative COVID test
Sometimes a host location requires proof of a negative COVID test. Maintaining individual privacy and confidentiality is a primary concern and this list of protocols will help us maintain individual confidentiality.
- Test must be collected within 48 hours prior to the event.
- Home tests, with name and date documented, are acceptable.
- A photo or electronic copy of test results is acceptable proof.
- Test results will be observed and verified by a pre-determined 4-H staff member or adult volunteer.
- Copies of test results will not be collected or retained by 4-H.
- Test results will be verified at entry to the event.
- The record will reflect that test results were viewed and confirmed for each individual. Records will not be retained by 4-H.
- Persons with Positive or Inconclusive test results are not allowed to attend 4-H events.
COVID Vaccination Status
4-H does not require proof of vaccination for the events we host, manage and control. It is not necessary to inquire about anyone's vaccination status to participate in camp or overnight 4-H events.
If a host location requires proof of vaccination, the following protocols must be followed.
Protocols for Confirming COVID Vaccination Status
- Vaccination status will be kept confidential. Access to information will be limited to Nurse/Health Supervisor, Location/Camp Director, and necessary UC ANR staff
- Once vaccination information is reviewed and documented, all uploaded vaccination information will be eliminated from the registration files for the event.
Additional information and guidance can be found at Risk-Based Guidance for Requiring COVID-19 Vaccination or Negative Test for UC ANR Events/Activities
Overnight 4-H Events and Out of State Travel
Protocols for Overnight 4-H Activities
In addition to the protocols listed in the Basic Safety Standards, please see the Overnight 4-H Event Safety Protocols for details on sleeping, activities, and bathroom accommodations.
Preparing for an Overnight Event/Camp
CA 4-H Camp COVID Preparedness Checklist
Proof of a negative COVID test is not a requirement to attend camp or an overnight 4-H activity.
The following steps should be implemented before an overnight 4-H event/camp:
- Starting the week prior to the start of the event/camp, participants (and their parents/guardians), teen staff, and adult volunteers are advised to daily screen themselves for symptoms that are new or not caused by a known or existing condition.
Symptoms include: Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Fatigue, Muscle or body aches, Headache, New loss of taste or smell, Sore throat, Congestion or runny nose, Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea. For more information about symptoms, see the CDC Symptoms of COVID-19.
- If a person tests positive or has symptoms within 5-10 days prior to the start of the event/camp, advise them not to attend. See the ACA document “A Healthy Camp Begins at Home” PDF.
- The health supervisor will screen all persons attending the event/camp for symptoms of COVID-19 or other transmissible illness.
Out of State Travel
All 4-H Members, Volunteers and Professionals expected to follow the Basic Safety Standards as well as any event-specific requirements.
Vaccination Policy for UC 4-H
Proof of vaccination is not required for 4-H youth or adult volunteers to join or participate in 4-H.
Host locations for 4-H sponsored activities may require proof of vaccination. Please follow the protocols outlined in the Basic Safety Standards.
Effective September 1, 2021, all UC employees must be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. Only employees who are fully vaccinated are approved to work in UC ANR offices.*
*The UC COVID-19 Vaccination Policy allows for limited exceptions to COVID-19 vaccination based on a Medical Exemption, Disability Accommodation, or Religious Objection.
Frequently Asked Questions about vaccination
Are 4-H Adult Volunteers required to be vaccinated to go to the UCCE office or UC ANR buildings?
No, the UC COVID-19 Vaccination Policy does not apply to all UC ANR volunteers. You may stop in your local UCCE office for short in-office tasks such as making copies, picking up displays or attending meetings—as long as you follow the location's In-person Visitor Procedures. Most UCCE offices are located in buildings that are owned and operated by the County, so additional County requirements for accessing buildings may apply.
The vaccination requirement only applies if you are scheduled to be in a UC ANR or UCCE office or building for a scheduled shift for administrative work like an employee. This includes hotline/helpline coverage and in-office work performed by a 4-H Online Volunteer Enrollment Coordinator 2. Only vaccinated volunteers will be approved to work shifts at a UC ANR building.
Can I still volunteer to work in the office if I have a vaccine exception?
No. If your volunteer assignment is in an administrative role similar to an employee, then you must be vaccinated to work scheduled shifts onsite in a UC ANR office or building. UC ANR will not be considering exceptions in these instances.
In-person Visitors to UC ANR and UCCE offices
Visitors entering a UC ANR building or UCCE office must do the following:
- Check-in and out at the front desk
- Stay home and do not come to the UC ANR/UCCE location if they have COVID-19 symptoms, have tested positive, or have been advised to quarantine.
- If required due to localhealth orders or current COVID transmission rates, wear a face mask in compliance with the Basic Safety Standards while in the building.
Each day working in-person in UC ANR offices, employees must:
- Monitor themselves for COVID-19 symptoms and not come to work if they have any symptoms that are not from a known or chronic condition.
- Report COVID-19 test results, symptoms, or exposures using the COVID-19 Screening Report.
- If required due to local health orders or current COVID transmission rates, wear a face mask in compliance with the Basic Safety Standards.