Yellowstone Season 1 Episode 8 Recap: The Unravelling: Pt. 1 (2025)

By: Author TV Fanatic Staff

Posted on Published: · 11:11 PM EDT



We begin with a flashback — a young boy full of blood awakens to find another kid dead and blood on the wall. He sneaks out where adults are fighting and grabs a frying pan.

The boy ends up in John's barn, where the sheriff has asked John to take care of it. John and his men confront the boy and get him to drop a stick he's holding as a weapon. They realize he is the missing child from a family that was murdered by the mom's ex-husband.

John gives Rip a sandwich but tells him if he wants to work for him there is to be no fighting or stealing and he will have to go through a little bit of pain. Rip is not fazed by the idea of pain in the slightest.

In the present, some sort of state agent makes the case that Rip shot the bear illegally and killed the tourists to cover it up. Rip gets in his face. John send him away and tells Donnie to stop making up new problems. Donnie says they should have buried the bear as this is a federal crime now.

Monica tells Felix that when she's released from the hospital she wants to live with him as she doesn't know who Kayce is.

Kayce gets to the reservation and finds his home has been ransacked. The treasure hunters have been there. They stole Tate's dinosaur bones.

A woman from Fish and Wildlife shows up. She won't let Rip call her ma'am and is suspicious of him. As they are riding out to see the bear's carcass, she refuses to listen when he tells her there's a fly on her horse and that it's going to run if he doesn't get it off. This leads to a gruesome accident where she's impaled by a fence post, but she still won't listen to Rip so he has to waste time cutting the horse loose so it won't drag her and kill her. Eventually, he manages to get her somewhat out of the situation and a chopper comes.

Rainwater and Jenkins discuss their deal over golf. Rainwater says if the tribe builds its casino, the property taxes will double and John will have to sell.

Beth looks at information while Jason drives her downtown. She realizes she can b uy enough shares to be on the board of Jenkins' company. She sees his wife and has Jason pull over.

Kayce tells Tate that the treasure hunters took the dinosaur bones. At the hospital, Tate complains to Monica. She sends him inside with Felix and tells Kayce that she remembers who he is but sees him differently. She wants to know what happened the night her brother died. Kayce tells her it was self-defense. Monica says she's taking Tate and leaving him to protect Tate from him and John.

Some guy at the gas station tries to beg for money and then pulls a knife on Kayce. Kayce beats him up.

Jenkins finds Beth smoking a cigarette outside his house and his wife drunk and flirting with Jason. He swears Beth will regret this but she doesn't do regret.

Jamie shows up at the ranch. John orders him to drop out of the race. Jamie responds by grabbing John by the collar. He and John get into a fist fight and John says Jamie deserves a beating. Rip tells Jamie to go calm down. Afterward, John tells Rip he's losing the ranch and doesn't even know who he's saving it for.

Walker asks to see Rip. He's not comfortable with breaking the law. Rip tells him it's too late. He's branded and he has to stay and do what he's told.

Jamie talks to Christina. She says that his father does not love him or he wouldn't treat him like this. She thinks he should be selfish and do what he wants for once. They kiss.

The cowboys give J immy a new hat and yell at him n ot to throw it on the bed as it's bad luck. Jimmy asks if he can undo the bad luck. Walker's opinion is anyone who works here is cursed.

Meanwhile, a bunch of wolves start feeding on the dead bear.

Yellowstone Season 1 Episode 8 Recap: The Unravelling: Pt. 1 (2025)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.